The large Lanzarote-Info, provided by Villa la Vega

Island communities

We have gathered extensive information about the small towns and villages on the island of Lanzarote. Certainly, here you will find the one or other incentive for your day trips. Get to know the different villages of the island of Lanzarote, even before your holiday starts and take advantage of our helpful information.

Recreational activities

Lanzarote offers outstanding opportunities for numerous recreational activities. Lanzarote is, specially for sports and water sports enthusiasts, a first class destination. We have gathered extensive information on how you can practice your hobbies on the island. Use our information while planning your holiday.

Pieces of interest

The island of Lanzarote has much to discover. In addition to a unique natural spectacle, also the residents of Lanzarote have created architectural and cultural objects of interest, to hand down to the following generations. With our website, we already would like to give an overview.


Alongside our Villa la Vega, we run a vineyard and manage large pumpkin plantations on the island of Lanzarote. We are happy to give you a private excursion and will explain to you under what conditions, viticulture and agriculture is possible on the island of Lanzarote.

Videos from the island of Lanzarote

Here you will find a collection of some interesting videos about Lanzarote, certainly these videos will increase your desire on an unforgettable holiday on the Canary island. We will try to expand even more the range of information, with further video uploads

Pictures and Impressions

A selection of very nice photo shots of our apartment complex, the holiday flats and the island of Lanzarote. We will be happy to publish also your special holiday pictures, photos and impressions without words.


There are many event highlights, festivals and celebrations as well as sporting events on the island of Lanzarote, exerting a special attraction. In our events calendar you will find a yearly overview with a program calendar.

The weather in Lanzarote

On the island of Lanzarote we have a very pleasant holiday weather throughout the entire year! Here you find out more about the current weather forecasts and current temperatures on the Canary Island.

Experiencing Lanzarote

Discover the breathtaking island of Lanzarote with the help of our island info. Here you will learn everything about destinations, attractions and regreational activities. More info...

Urlaub auf Lanzarote in einer Ferienwohnung mit Pool am Meer

Möchten Sie einen traumhaft schönen Urlaub auf Lanzarote verbringen? Mit der besonders attraktiven Anlage der Villa La Vega finden Sie genau das, was Sie zur Erholung brauchen.

Ferienwohnung Lanzarote mit Pool

Damit Ihr Urlaub zum einmaligen Erlebnis wird, wartet auf Sie neben den komfortablen Ferienwohnungen ein absolutes Highlight: ein gepflegter tropischer Garten, welcher den im Winter beheizten Pool umrundet.

Unterkunft Lanzarote

Genieβen Sie Ihren Urlaub von Anfang an mit atemberaubender Aussicht auf das Meer und im Winter direkt vom klimatisierten Pool.

Lanzarote Privatunterkünfte

Lassen Sie sich von Tag zu Tag neu begeistern von der gepfegten Anlage und den konfortablen Ferienwohnungen sowie dem einzigartigen Blick auf das endlose Meer. Villa La Vega!
